Distance Learning
Organizing and Calming Strategies
- Calm Down Visuals
- Here is a website with more sensory/organizing/calming activities
Fine Motor Skills
Natural Environment Activities
- Peel fruit such as clementines, oranges, and grapefruit
- Ziplock bags - encourage using fingertips to press and seal
- Rip up junk mail
- Use spray bottles to water plants, spray the windows to clean
- Sort coins
- Use paper towels to clean surfaces
- Fold laundry, match socks
Visual Perception
This website has a lot of visual perception activities for your child to engage in: www.eyecanlearn.com
Visual Motor Integration
- Games
- Tic-Tac-Toe
- Connect Four
- Legos or any other building games
- Activities
- Coloring pages
- Handwriting
-Handwriting rules
- Handwriting three lined paper
- Upper and lower case letters
- Handwriting activity
- Pencil grip
Cursive Writing
-Upper case letters
- Typing
- Go to https://www.typing.com and practice typing for ten minutes, twice per week
- Take a three-minute typing test once per week
- Forgot your username and password? Email me at kirti.vyas@monroe.k12.nj.us
Self-Help Skills
- Color my plate page
- Shoe tying video (Righty)
- Shoe tying video (Lefty)
- Shoe tying log sheets