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Brookside Elementary School

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Homework Policy

Homework Policy

5th Grade Homework Procedure


When utilized correctly, homework can have a variety of benefits throughout the school year.


  • Students learn about time management.
  • Homework provides a measurement of students' learning for teachers.
  • Trains students to persevere and solve problems.
  • Gives students another opportunity to review class material.
  • Parents get to see the content being taught in school.


Please be aware that there is flexibility with the implementation of the procedures below. Consideration will always be given to students and their families that experience extenuating circumstances such as sickness, and emergencies. This also includes following any 504/IEP modifications.  If this occurs, we will work together to set up a fair plan to make up the missing work without any point deductions.


* If there are no extenuating circumstances present, any assignment missed or late within any subject area will result in:


ONE DAY LATE Assignment is dropped 15 points

and must be handed in the next day.


TWO DAYS LATE – Assignment is dropped 50 points

and still must be completed.


If an assignment is not handed in after 5 days, a zero will be entered.


  • Dropping grades by 50 points (or receiving a zero) can be extremely detrimental to a student’s average, so it is imperative that homework is completed daily. Please help your child by reviewing his or her agenda pad, as well as completed assignments prior to the day they are due.
  • Assignments do not have to be checked for accuracy; however, they should be checked for completion.
  • Also, please make sure that all homework assignments are in your child’s binder, so he/she brings it to every class. If a student completed homework for other subjects but does not bring it to each class, it is still marked as late!