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Brookside Elementary School

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Supply List 2023-2024

Supply List 2019-2020
2023-2024 Supplies

Mrs. Francese's supply list

As a grade, we plan a general list for incoming third graders which is on the Brookside website. The list below is customized for my classroom.


1 inch binder


Please bring it for 1st week of school

#2 yellow wood case sharpened 12 ct pencils

(No mechanical pencils)


1 box is sufficient to bring in on the first day of school. Please keep the extra at home and I will reach out when more pencils are needed. 

2 pocket folder of your choice


Please bring it for 1st week of school

2 Pocket Folder w/o clasp - blue


Please bring it for 1st week of school

Elmer’s glue sticks


1 pack of 4 is sufficient to bring in on the first day of school. Please keep the extra at home and I will reach out when more glue sticks are needed. 

Scissors pointed 5”


Please bring it for 1st week of school

Box of crayons 24 ct 


Pack of colored pencils/ twistables


Either not both is sufficient to bring in on the first day of school. Please keep the extra at home and I will reach out when supplies need to be replenished. 

Composition book wide ruled black marble 1 ct


Please bring it for 1st week of school

Pen stick med pt. green


Please bring it for 1st week of school

Pencil sharpener w/ receptacle


Please bring it for 1st week of school

Low odor dry erase marker chisel tip (4 pack)


1 pack of 4 is sufficient to bring in on the first day of school. Please keep the extra at home and I will reach out when more dry erase markers are needed. 

Soft pencil pouch


Please make sure it is a soft pencil case. Hard pencil cases are difficult to keep in our desks.

Block or cap erasers

1 pack is sufficient to bring in on the first day of school. I will reach out when more erasers are needed. 

Self stick post it notes 100 count 3x3


1 pack is sufficient to bring in on the first day of school. I will reach out when more post its are needed.


Optional but appreciated supplies


Box of tissues, clorox wipes, and hand soap or  sanitizer

**Please let me know if there is anything that you are unable to find or get. I do have extras of all the supplies if needed.**