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Brookside Elementary School

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Homework Policy and Weekly Folder Information

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Homework Policy and Weekly Folders


Homework is an important part of your child’s school experience. It is important that they practice what is worked on in class and that you, as a parent, witness, assess, and assist in their education. In 3rd grade, homework should take about 30 minutes to complete. Monday- Thursday please expect assignments in both Math, and ELA.  

Unless noted, homework is expected the following school day. If your child is struggling with an assignment or a certain question/problem; let me know by either email or a note on the assignment. I will gladly work with your child to review the misunderstanding. 

We all make errors or mistakes. It is important to acknowledge and correct them to be successful. If necessary, I will send home papers to be fixed and returned. You will see a F/R on the assignment if it needs correction.

Weekly folders

A folder will go home with your child weekly,with finished corrected work or tests. Please look over your child’s work and discuss their progress with him/her. School flyers and important events and dates to be aware of in our school and classroom will be in the weekly folder. I ask that you empty the folder and expect the signature sheet to be signed and returned. 

We are all human, I understand events and life happens- I am here to work with you (students and guardians).