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Brookside Elementary School

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Brookside Elementary School

Welcome to Mrs. Forrest's web page. 

I will be working with Ms. Bakerman and Mrs. Guarino this year. We can't wait to meet all of you. We will spend the first day getting to know each other and learning procedures. School supplies will be needed on the second day of school.

  • 2-inch binder
  • 5 subject dividers with pockets
  • 2 packs of lined paper
  • 2 packs of pencils
  • 1 pack of erasers
  • 1 pack of highlighters
  • 1 pack of post-it notes
  • 1 cloth pencil case that fits in binder
  • Optional (& appreciated) donations to the classroom: tissues, paper towels, soap, wipes
  • Pencils, paper, etc. will need to be replenished throughout the year!

If you have any concerns, reach out to me: