Language Arts Literacy

English Language Arts (ELA)
"Words - so innocent and powerless as they are standing in a dictionary,
how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one
who knows how to combine them."
how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one
who knows how to combine them."
-Nathaniel Hawthorne
English Language Arts is a balance of reading and writing. Our classroom uses a Readers' and Writers' Workshop model using the MyView literacy program. Students will focus on the following topics throughout the year:
- Nonfiction/Informative reading
- Poetry analysis
- Narrative writing
- Nonfiction writing
- Writing about reading
- Research based opinion writing
Reminder... use the Writing Process every time you write!
1. Brainstorming/Prewriting
2. Rough Draft
3. Edit/Proofreading
4. Revision (edit and revise again if needed)
5. Final Draft/Publishing
Tips for Reading with Comprehension:
Make connections
Good readers notice pieces of text that relate to or remind them of past experiences and prior knowledge.
Good readers create pictures in their minds while they read. -
Read Closely
We use a strategy in class called "Close Reading". This strategy involves reading a selection more than once, highlighting key details, and writing notes in the margin.
Ask questions
Good readers ask questions before, during and after reading to better understand the meaning of text.
Determine Importance
Good readers look for things that help them identify big ideas and why they are important.