Welcome Parents!
Dear Parents of the Mills/ Cruz class,
Welcome to 4th grade! We are excited to begin a new (and totally unprecedented!) 20-21 school year!
On our welcome page, we have included a passcode to our Homeroom Google Classroom. Pease assist your child to join the class, where they will find a Zoom invitation link to "meet" us on Thursday, September 3rd at 9:05 AM!
It will be helpful if your child has the following supplies at home to begin the remote part of the school year:
- A binder with subject dividers and lined looseleaf paper
- Pencils
- Dry erase markers and eraser
- A personal whiteboard (we can provide this if you would like to arrange pick-up)
- Post-its
- Art supplies (crayons, glue stick, construction paper)
Thank you for your support!
Please look for a welcome email that we will send on Monday, 8/31. It would be helpful if you would respond briefly to the email, so that we may confirm correct email contact information.
Please be comfortable communicating with us at all times!
Most sincerely,
Nancy Mills (nancy.mills@monroe.k12.nj.us)
Marisol Cruz (marisol.cruz@monroe.k12.nj.us)