Search for Books - Destiny Discover 📚
Destiny Online Card Catalog 📚
1. Link: Destiny Discover (
2. On the top right corner, click “login”
3. Select "Sign in with Google" to access your account.
To Search Catalog: Search bar is at the top right corner. Type your search term (title, author, topic, keyword).
To Place a Hold:
To Read an eBook: Type “ebook” in the search box. Once you have your results, select a title by clicking on it. Click "Open" to read the eBook.
To Check Your Account: Login first. Select "My Stuff" on top of the screen. You can see your holds and check-outs here!
To Write a Book Review: Search for the title you’d like to review. Click on the book to open the information. Click on "Reviews" then select "Add Review" to type your book review.
To Change Your Profile Avitar: Click the circle icon on the top-right corner. Select "My Profile." Select your own avitar picture!