😎 Links to enrichments - school database/resources (Links are underlined):
- TrueFlix databases
- Use Destiny Discover for online resources, audiobooks, and ebooks
- Listen to free audiobooks includeing Harry Potter series!
- Listen to some podcasts
- Watch Storytime from Space and
- Visit the Public Library’s website for ebooks and audiobooks
- Access GetEpic for fun eBooks/audiobooks/videos (use your teacher's class code or Media's code: muw9609)
- Free Aesop's Fables from Library of Congress
- Ms. Lin's fun activities Bored Board 🐻
- Virtual Maker Space 😎
- For animal lovers --> National Geographic Explorer
- Explore Brookside Poetry Board ✨(poems from 3rd-5th grade poets)
- Neal.fun --> Interactive info-graphic
Email Ms. Lin --> chien-ju.lin@monroe.k12.nj.us 😊
Love Raina Telgemiere's Guts, Sisters, Ghosts, and more? Listen to this podcast when author Grace Lin interview Raina about writing!
Email me if you have any questions at chien-ju.lin@monroe.k12.nj.us