Empty Bowls Project
In New Jersey, 1 in 10 people struggles with hunger.
"Be the change you want to see in the world."
- Mahatma Gandhi
May 31st, 2024
Project leader since 2013: Ms. Theresa Anthony
"Fifth-graders and school administrators craft ceramic bowls with the help of their art teachers, research key facts about hunger in New Jersey, communicate that information to their schoolmates, and host an event where guests share a modest meal of soup and other refreshments for a small donation and offering of non-perishable goods.
The proceeds benefit local food pantries such as the Monroe and Jamesburg pantries, Feeding Friendz of Asbury Park, and Rise Food Pantry in Hightstown. Donations may also be made to a pantry in Trenton.
... We are really following Mahatma Gandhi’s code, ‘Be the change you want to see in the world.' ... We’re not just asking the students to think about hunger, but to also turn their attention to bullying and littering, and that there are other issues facing New Jersey."
(Above is from local news article by Michelle H. Daino.
Complete article could be found here -
http://www.mycentraljersey.com/story/news/local/middlesex-county/2014/05/29/brookside-elementary-students/9719607/ )
(Photos by Ms. Theresa Anthony)
Project made possible by grant from Brookside PTA
to purchase clay and glaze.
See our 2014-2015 big ideas of how we can change the world to a better place!
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(From our 3rd and 4th grade students!)
Websites and books to learn more about hunger and other issues that you can change in America and around the world.